About Me


I am a PhD student in Economics at Lund University. While possibly a bit premature, I decided to follow this suggestion and decided to set up a concise website.

Research Interest

Very broadly, I tend to favor topics that investigate individual decision making.

My main research interests lie in household finance, behavioral finance, and public economics. To throw some more specific research topics in the ring, I am currently interested in

  1. intra-household decision making
  2. the role of gender in financial decision making
  3. the role of public sentiment in financial decision making
  4. stock market non-participation
  5. self-insurance
  6. consumer debt
  7. reaction to policy announcements

Typically, I work with highly disaggregated administrative data. However, my interests are very fluent and I am easily enthusiastic about new research ideas.

Education and Experience

I hold a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Mannheim, a Master’s in Economics from the University of Copenhagen, and a Master’s in Finance from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

During my Bachelor studies, I was a student assistant at the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). After graduating, I returned to the ZEW as a full-time intern. In September 2019, I started my Master’s at the University of Copenhagen and joined the Institute of Applied Economics and Health Research (now part of MedEngine) as a student assistant. Since September 2020, I am a research assistant at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS).


I am German and live in Copenhagen.